Genealogy for people who think differently |
Here's what some of our users had to say about iFamily for Mac. Note that some of the testimonials refer to iFamily for Tiger, Leopard and Lion which are previous versions of the same software.
iFamily for Tiger 2.2 provides a simple interface to create and edit your family data, includes great search tools, and integrates well with iPhoto. |
MacWorld(US) Reviews
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There's a new bloom on the old Apple tree that promises to be the sweetest yet for researchers. Mac users have long envied the excellent genealogy programs for PCs and have more or
less been resigned to using the far more basic offerings... Now, iFamily for Tiger is a genealogy program for Mac users that is not only easy to operate but
offers an innovative approach to mapping the family tree.
Designed to focus more on individuals than family groups, this software makes it easy to graph relationships of people with more than
two parents or more than one spouse. Parent/child relationships may also be shown as natural, step, adopted or foster, which often has been awkward with other software programs.
As you would expect of a Mac program, image handling is superb with nearly 50 formats and its own photo cropping/editing function. Navigation within iFamily for Tiger is simple and fast
and the powerful search field searches by name, ID, title, birth place or date, cause of death, notes, comments or more. Reviews of its Gedcom import and export features have been glowing. |
Nancianne Parkes Suber The Clarion-Ledger |
Selecting software for storage of research data is very personal. It is not just about the features, but it is how the user interacts with the program that is important.
A genealogist's researching style, whether 'visual' or 'text' focussed, is key in determining whether the selected software is a good 'fit'. Keith Wilson and his team at iFamily for
Tiger, from down under, got it right side up to satisfy these concerns.
I dove in without reading any documentation. Users learn much by this method. Right from the start, I liked the feel of iFamily for
Tiger. Its focus on each individual person, rather than on a
family unit, is what makes this software simple to use, intuitive, yet powerful. |
Guy Lafontaine
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Designed to take advantage of �the latest Apple Mac technology,� this new program lets you view and sort your family tree data according to your needs.
It�s easy to get started with iFamily: Creating a new family tree is done with two clicks, and adding spouses, parents and children is a snap.
Loading a GEDCOM takes only a minute or two. Overall, iFamily�s slick interface and ease of use make it a great new choice for Mac users. |
Allison Stacy Family Tree Magazine
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I just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for iFamily. I use mine all the time, and I really, really appreciate the focus on the individual and all of the features. It's the
best application I bought for my Mac! |
I like iFamily. The website says that it is designed for screens at least 17 inches. However, I have a laptop with a 14 inch screen, and it looks fine.
I like that I can see several generations on my screen at once, and to move to a new person, I just need to double click on their name. You'll notice if you enlarge the
image above that at the top of the screen in the right is a switch for 'Levels' set to 3. That's the number of ancestor generations. It can be increased, but on my screen
it gets rather tiny with anything higher than the default '3'. (So, yeah, a 17 inch screen might be nice. But 3 generations is great.)
You may also notice the colors
and fonts for the interface are easily adjustable from the default view. If you click on the tabs you see at the bottom of the screen, you get different information in
the bottom half of the screen.
It is extremely intuitive and easy to navigate. |
John Newmark, St. Louis, MO Genealogy and Family History Research
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I have been my family genealogist for nearly 10 years. Over that time I have experimented with every genealogy application to come out for the Mac platform, even some command line
apps ported from Unix, and have been sorely disappointed.
Then I found your product quite by accident. I had become very cynical about genealogy applications for the Mac until I downloaded and tested your iFamily for Tiger program yesterday. I
have to say... I'm seriously blown away.
My gedcom database has over 30,000 names with many hundreds of images, census records, sources, notes, etc. Your program has so far handled them without incident, importing the whole
database in under 15 minutes, and keeping all notes intact. I have had to reimport the images, but the drag and drop functionality has made all the difference. No other genealogy app has
allowed me to manage images with such ease. iFamily is fast, clean, intuitive, and really nice to look at too.
I just wanted to drop a line and say thanks. I purchased the product after working with it for an hour. I wish you luck in your continued efforts to develop the program for Leopard.
I'm already anxiously wondering what spiffy new features there might be to play with. BUT... it's about ease of use rather than fancy bells and whistles... and on that... you guys win the
prize! |
Ky |
I downloaded iFamily this evening and was immediately creating my family database. Everything works like a damn.
It makes something that is actually
quite complicated VERY SIMPLE. I've tried to use some of the online geneology systems. They are cumbersome. But with iFamily, I can fly! It is really good!!
Just wanted to say thanks for a great piece of software. I tried out a lot of different apps for keeping track of
the family tree, and yours was by far the best I saw. Looking forward to getting to know it better. |
What an outstanding product you have created! ...I have been trying the demo versions of all of the other mac
genealogy programs, and yours was the only one that had the "aha!" reaction from the very first time I opened it. That doesn't just happen--it took a lot of hard work from you.
Thanks for making this program. What finally sold me on your product was when I pored through the forum entries on your web site. You respond to customer's questions, problems,
and observations quite quickly, and with detailed, honest answers (and not some glib, standard "we are working on it" replies). This is a good thing because it tells me that you
care about your product a great deal. It also says you're a person who wants to be helpful--another very good thing.
and 20 minutes later
You may certainly quote me on your testimonial page. As to needing assistance with importing an existing GEDCOM file, thanks, but mine is relatively small (111 individuals) with
lots of crib notes and little organization. This is why your program really gets me enthused--it's letting me easily associate scanned documents, photos, etc with the right person
and the right event. Heh...listen to me, I'm writing another testimonial. :-)
Jim |
Thanks Keith, I appreciate the service. Your software is really fantastic. Even a novice like me can figure it out. |
David |
Thank you Keith. The quality of your programme is only equalled by your attitude to its users. |
Congratulations on the Google map feature. I have played around with these maps a fair bit in tracking GPS data from my motorcycle trips etc and do enjoy them. |
FANTASTIC! This Google Map interface is great. I have lots of ideas of how this can be exploited. |
Al |
iFamily is addictive - it should come with a disclaimer from the surgeon general!! |
Tom |
My PC using sister is jealous of how pretty iFamily is, and how clear the family relationships are! Thanks for a program that makes genealogy fun. |
Oh God, now I have to go out and buy a Mac !! |
Just wanted to say thanks for a great piece of software. I tried out a lot of different apps for keeping track of the family tree, and yours was by far the best I saw.
Looking forward to getting to know it better. |
David |
Keith--most gracious and generous man--has worked with me for several weeks as I learned to use the successive versions of his program. He is responsive to suggestions, and is truly looking for improvements to add. (He offered to make it raise my ancestors from the dead, but I thought it best to decline!)
Jack |
I just wanted to send a quick note of appreciation for the work you've done on iFamily. The program is very easy to use and very mac-like. Excellent job.
None of the above testimonials was solicited. Some have been removed from their original context and some may have been edited for clarity.